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I am trying to change the bookerville banner to my company.

3 Responses:

John Amato, January 14, 2014:

There are two places where your banner image can appear:

1) At the tops of your public calendars:

To change this, go to your Property Setup page for a property (just pick the top one for starters). Click the "Colors/Images" tab at the top (far right tab, red circle):

Custom Calendar Header Banners

Notice the default is Bookerville's generic header. If you have a header banner already on the Internet somewhere (your own site, e.g.) you can simply copy & paste the URL to that image in the Custom Header URL box (green circle). Then tap the Save Header URL button.

Alternatively, you can upload one by clicking the Browse button (yellow circle).

To replicate, or copy this header banner to all (or some) of your other properties' calendars, click the Copy Property Colors button (blue circle, above image). That wil pop up this box:

Custom Header Banners

Make sure the Calendar Header Image box is checked, and nothing else (unless you want to copy those settings, too). In the lower box, check all the properties you want to copy this header banner to. Then just click the Copy button.

2) At the tops of your emails:

To change this, go to your Property Setup page for a property (just pick the top one for starters). Click the "Email Templates" tab at the top (red circle):

Custom Email Header Banners

Scroll down until you see the Email Header Image box:

Custom Email Header Banner Box

Notice the default is Bookerville's generic header. If you have a header banner already on the Internet somewhere (your own site, e.g.) you can simply copy & paste the URL to that image in the Custom Header URL box (green circle).

Alternatively, you can upload one by clicking the Browse button (blue circle).

To replicate, or copy this header banner to all (or some) of your other properties' emails, click the Copy Email Settings button at the upper-right of this page (yellow circle).

Copy Custom Email Header Banners

That will pop-up the following box:

Copy Custom Email Header Banners Window

Click the Deselect All button in the upper box (unless you want to copy Email Templates...?) - (pink circle).

Make sure the Calendar Header Image box is checked (purple cirlce), and nothing else (unless you want to copy those, too). In the lower box, check all the properties you want to copy this header banner to. Then just click the Copy button.

Thank you for asking this Deborah, as it gives us this opportunity to publish the answer as a Help Topic for all to see.

As always, if you need any help with any of this, simply contact us (

We are also willing to help you create header banners.
andjelakessler, March 27, 2016:

How can I make it so there is NO header on certain e-mail templates? If not none, the another one besides the default one?
John Amato, July 30, 2019:

andjelakessler: there is a way to do this, email me and we can walk you through it...

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